Green Delhi Mobile App APK Download From Google Play Store for Android Users

Green Delhi Mobile App APK Download From Google Play Store for Android Users

To control the pollution of the state, the Delhi government has launched one app for the people of the Delhi state. The Delhi government is making pollution, and due to that, the air quality index of the Delhi state is at the highest point.

As air pollution is high, the people of the estate can not breathe safely. It is dangerous for the people of the state. The Delhi government has launched the app that is available on the play store.

People can download the application from the app store. They can use it from a lengthy process. The government makes the facilities for the public to make a complaint against the person or organization who makes pollution in the state. The government will take complaints against the person who violates the anti-pollution norms. The name of the application is a green Delhi mobile app.

The state government of Delhi did decide to let the people complain freely and easily about the people or organizations that are polluting the air. It will be possible for any and every person residing in the state to help the state government in order to take actions against people who are the primary reason for the increasing air pollution in Delhi.

It will be so easy to report someone or some organization who you think are causing air pollution. The only that you will have to do is install and log into the Green Delhi Mobile App. Let us now move forward to know more about the app.

About Green Delhi Mobile App:

The chief minister of Delhi state Shri Arvind Kejriwal has announced on 6 October 2020 that the government will launch such a type of application in the play store. After the announcement, the government has launched this app on the date of 9 October 2020.

The citizens of the Delhi state can download the application that is made by the Delhi government. The name of the application is a green Delhi mobile app. Pollution is a very important thing to think about. The government is going to make some effort to reduce pollution in the state.

Every year, the government is failing to make efficient efforts against pollution. The central government is making so many solutions for removing pollution in the state.

The central government is also giving some direction to the state government to prevent pollution in the state and nation. However, Indi is the most polluted country in the world.

The government is trying to reduce pollution in the nation. For the solution of the p[pollution, the government is allowing the policy that will not hurt the natural resources. With the help of the central government policy, the government is trying to implement a pollution-free environment. The government will help the people of the nation to live a pollution-free life.

However, to get a pollution-free environment is the fundamental right of the citizens of the nation. Yet, the government has implemented some of the policy, for example, solar rooftop system, and other so many schemes for the people of the nastin.

With the help of this scheme, people will use pollution-free energy sources. As the people of the nation are using green energy, then the pollution will reduce.

However, the government of India has also implemented a pollution-free environment. So that the government has made a new step for the reduction of pollution.

The government is making the application for the people who are making the pollution in the Delhi state. The government has launched the application for the people of the country. The citizens of the state can download the application from the play store.

Green Delhi Mobile App- Download From Play Store:

The citizens of the Delhi state can download the green Delhi mobile app from the play store. To make a complaint against the violation of the pollution prevention act, the citizen can file a complaint n the online mode only.

The person has to download the application from the play store. For that purpose, the person should have an android mobile phone with them. On the mobile phone, they have to open the play store.

On the play store, they have to search the name of the application that is green Delhi. When the person can find the app green Delhi, they can download this app. After downloading the application, the person can file a complaint against the pollution maker in the Delhi state. So the Delhi government take a proper step against the pollution maker and prevent them from producing the pollution.

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