STARS Scheme under NEP 2020 Approved by Central Govt. to Strengthen School Education System

STARS Scheme under NEP 2020 Approved by Central Govt. to Strengthen School Education System

Before a few days, the cabinet committee of the central government has approved the New Education Policy for the whole nation. The New Education Policy will change the education system of India. However, the government has not implemented this policy yet.

The government will make planning for implementing this new policy. The government will give the proper plan to the committee, and then they will implement the policy throughout the nation.

There are so many things that the government is trying to accomplish when we are talking about providing benefits to the citizens. It is sure that all the students will be happy as well as excited to know that the central government brings a new education policy.

If you have the wish to know what the new Central Government School Education Scheme brings. Then you are in the right place looking for it. Because we are going to provide you every essential detail about STARS Scheme. So that you will be able to have a more clear idea of the new education policy.

Recently, there is one update for the new education policy. The government is taking a step toward the new education policy.

The latest news about the new education policy is that the government has launched the STARS scheme under the new education policy. The government will implement the new education policy under the STARS Scheme.

About STARS Scheme 2020:

First of all, the full form of the STARS is Strengthening teaching-learning and results for States Projects. The government has allocated a total of Rs.5718 crore. However, the world bank will contribute to India’s New Education Policy about Rs.3700 crore.

The prime minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, has given permission to this program under the new education policy.

At the time of the launching of the scheme, the central government said that the New Education Policy is implemented in the various state as a part of a centrally sponcered scheme.

During the time of approving the new education policy, the government has changed the name of the department to the education department. So now in the government of India, there is one education department also.

And the implementation of the new education policy should be under the education department of India. Under the scheme, the government will establish the nation assessment centers, PAREKH institutions.

The Contingency Emergency Response Component(CERC):

The government has made a component name is the contingency emergency response component(CERC). If any situation occurs, then this component will help the government to solve the problem.

The situation includes If any loss occurs due to school closures in learning. This system will also help the government if any damage occurs to the school infrastructure.

The school does not have fair and accurate facilities, then also this will help the government. This component will also help in learning the technology for the students of the school.

The government has decided to implement the STARS projects in some states. The government has named some states for the implementation of this scheme. This scheme will help the state to implement various interventions and improve the education level also improve the quality of education.

Here is the name of the state in which the government decided to implement the STARS Scheme. The name of the state is Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Kerala, Odisha.

The objective of the STARS Scheme:

The STARS scheme aims to improve the education level of the nation. During these CORONA days, the government is implementing many schemes for the development of the nation.

This scheme is also for the development and improvement of the education system of the nation. However, there is one education policy in the state in force. But the NDA government has launched a new education policy for the future of India.

The government is giving the new map for the education system of India. This scheme will help the students of the nation to choose their interest in their studies. They can learn more than the study. At this time, the students do want to do study for any reason.

After the implementation of the new education policy, the student’s interest in education will increase, and they will go to school, and the literacy level of India will also increase. This will lead you to an increase in the development and GDP of the nation.

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