Gujarat Corona Warrior Hero Nomination at

Gujarat Corona Warrior Online at

The Government of Gujarat is one of the prime supporters of the cause to recognize the Gujarat Heroes and honor them for their contributions through trophies, medals and certificates. This Competition is organized by Divyabhaskar News Paper and Govt. of Gujarat.

With the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, the world is faced with one of the most challenging times in the modern history. As the country went into a sudden lockdown to stop the spread of the virus, it became an ultimate test of people’s patience and perseverance. Despite these tough times, the people of Gujarat refused to be bogged down and faced the adversity with their undying spirit. Doctors, medical staff, police staff, pharmacists, security staff, fire brigade team, grocery store vegetable and fruit vendors, etc. all have transformed themselves as the real ‘Corona Warriors’. And because of their dedication to the people and the State, the Government of Gujarat along with Divya Bhaskar has decided to honour the true Gujarat Heroes who went out of their way in helping the citizens through service or kind. These heroes will be felicitated by the Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri. Vijaybhai Rupani and will receive a memento and certificate for their contribution to the cause

So, if you know someone or believe yourself to be called a Gujarat Hero, then fill the form at below along with the details and nominate others/ yourself for the ‘Gujarat Heroes’ award.

Gujarat Corona Warrior statement by Vijay Rupani

Dear beloved people of Gujarat. I would like to begin my message with a note of gratitude to those who have upheld the heritage and the name of Gujarat as the Land of the Brave. As the chief minister of Gujarat heading the crisis management team, I came across a number of astonishing stories that exemplified humanity and made me believe in the true value of service. Right from the security guard who ensured that the family impacted by the deadly virus was able to receive regular supply of food, to the doctors who worked for more than 24-hours at a stretch so that no patient was turned away due to shortage of staff at the hospital, their tales are truly heroic.

corona worrier
Gujarat Heroes

There are thousands of such stories that have become the face of this crisis and the people behind it are the true heroes. With Divya Bhaskar at the helm, it gives me immense pride to announce the launch of the campaign ‘Gujarat Heroes’. Through this campaign, thousands of people, organizations, corporate and government and public employees who have been a part of the journey will be recognized and awarded for going out of their way in helping the people of Gujarat. This award will be my humble thanks and salute to the fighting spirit of the people of Gujarat. It is because of their values and commitment to duty that has brought us this far, and I believe we will succeed in conquering the battle against COVID-19. Jai Hind, Jai Gujarat!

Who can be nominated for the Gujarat Corona warrior Heroes Award? Eligibility

Nominate your family,Friends, Someone you know or yourself, who you belive should be awareded as a Gujarat Hero

  • Corporation Staff
  • Artists
  • Corporates
  • Doctors
  • Fruits & Vegetable Vendors
  • Fire Brigade Team
  • Grocers
  • Government officials
  • Media staff
  • Nurses
  • Police Staff
  • Pharmacist
  • Security Staff
  • Teachers
  • Others

How to Fill Gujarat Heroes Warrior Form Nomination Online

Want to thank a Corona Warrior for their unparalleled contribution to the fight against COVID-19? First of all candidate needs to open official website and interested candidate May apply for Online Nomination at Candidate needs to Read all terms and condition at website. after that fill the online nomination at website
  • First open the website
  • Find the Nomination Form at website
  • Fill necessary nominee details like Name, Email Address, Occupation, Achievement etc
  • Upload Nominee Photo Graph
  • Press the submit button.


19 thoughts on “Gujarat Corona Warrior Hero Nomination at”

  1. Hu Kunj Parmar phc Gadhali,taluko Gadhada ,jillo bord khate lab tech tarike faraj nibhavu 6u ame lab tech covid hospital khate duty nibhavie 6ie temaj corona testing mate sample leva thi sample packing ane lidhela sample ne jilla kaxa ethi corona testing laboratory sudhi sample pahochadie pan 6ie …Tem 6ata corona worriers ma lab tech no kyay ullekh suddha nathi …🙏🙏🙏


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